


2020 09 05 - Notion has Backlinks >>> https://www.notion.so/Link-to-pages-blocks-cb3c406403c940b68af52de121e05474


  1. When a page is shared, it should be easy to see on the left bar... what is private / public - based on an icon...
  2. When image is uploaded by creating a new photo, save to photos too
  3. in the downloaded pages in the zip ... add the link to the main page on the top left
  4. domain / sub-domain to link to pages...
  5. stats / statistics for the page that is being shared... who visited / which page / count / from where...
  6. Template for public pages - header / footer / sidebar
  7. embed for amazon links - like "embed tweet"
  8. ...


  1. Web Clipper - 24-mar-2020 - don't currently have a way to add tags while clipping a page, but it's a popular feature request since we shipped the Web Clipper
  2. Notion has a built-in iframe, so we don't allow for custom HTML in a Notion page. However, you can embed URLs using our embed block (/embed)
    1. 2020 AUG 14 - Show Summary only and not Summer...


  1. ...